
University · Created during my 4th semester in 2019 · with Elisa Stock

In our modern times smartphone addiction and "FOMO" can be real problems. We found that a lot of people spend a lot of their smartphone time in bed, the place you should use to relax and get away from technology. Hiatus is an attempt to turn the bed back into the safe space it should be.



With the goal of coming up with an design concept for the iF design talent award, that thematically deals with slowing down and the issue of smartphone addiction, we first did some user research. To do that we decided to use self documentations and simple interviews. The first figure shows which questions or tasks our test subjects were presented. In total we interviewed 8 people, that were 17 to 23 years old. 5 of them took part in the self documentation, while the other 3 where interviewed.

To gather some pain points of users dealing with social media dependency, we first conducted user research. Methodically, we decided to use self-documentation on the one hand and a simple survey on the other. The first figure shows which tasks or questions we asked our subjects in the process. A total of eight people between the ages of 17 and 23 were surveyed; five took part in the self-documentation and three in the interview.
In terms of content, the questions were aimed at stress and relaxation sources in everyday life on the one hand and smartphone use on the other.

The most interesting and inspiring result: almost every one of our participants named the same place when asked questions such as "This is where I spend the most time." or "This is where I relax.", but also for questions like "This is where I use my phone the most." and "This is where I spend the most time on social media.": Their bed.